About California White Sage
California White Sage is a sacred and beautiful evergreen herbal perennial shrub that has been used for medicinal and ceremonial purposes by Native American tribes in California since antiquity. The whitish-green leaves have oils and resins that release a strong aroma when rubbed, distilled, or smudged.
Traditionally, tribes in California used the oil of the White Sage plant to clear energy, lift moods, relieve anxiety, improve memory, to heal wounds, eczema, scaring, anti-aging, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and staph infection. The smoke from the White Sage plant used in seat houses released powerful oils that relieved symptoms of common cold, lung infections, and more.
The essential oil of California White Sage that we infuse our products with is distilled in California with the greatest care and kept in its purest form. White Sage can truly be considered on of the finest herbal medicinal, sacred plants in the world and we believe that miracles of nature should be shared!